Directlink Creation and Integration Guide

Directlink is a highly adaptable solution for monetizing traffic. It’s a link that includes multiple offers, and all you have to do is put the link in a clickable area.

Here’s a guide on how to create and integrate Directlink into your website.

Ad Placement Creation

To create an ad placement, you must first register as a publisher. You can self-register on Affilight’s landing page, or request for our manager to register for you.

First click the button Create New Ad Placement.

New Ad Placement

Settings of Ad Placement

Name your ad placement, e.g. New Directlink.

Name of Ad Placement

Select directlink as inventory type.

Setting IAB categories is mandatory. Choose one or more categories to which the platform belongs for precise targeting.

Website category

If unsure, select “IAB24 – Uncategorized Mix Content” or “IAB1 – Entertainment (video, music)” for broad classification. For adult content, select “IAB25-3 – Pornography, videochats, erotics” and note that only ads for adults will be shown.

Note: It is recommended to set no more than 10 categories.

Do not select additional categories if “IAB25-3 – Pornography, videochats, erotics” has been chosen.

Website IAB categories

You can also block categories of advertised offers in a similar way to how you set the website IAB categories.

Block website IAB categories

Set Up a List of Priority Offers

Choose specific offers to prioritize promotion on the platform. When traffic is launched, it will go first to campaigns marked with these tags.

If the Auto mode is specified, the priority by offer type is not set.

Priority offers


Trafficback URL is important in traffic and restrictions settings. If we didn’t find ads for a user or we couldn’t accept, for example, desktop traffic then some users see a page 404. To prevent this, designate a page of your website or an alternative ad network as a trafficback. This ensures that whenever our system is unable to find a suitable ad or a show was blocked, your traffic will be redirected to trafficback without any loss.

Furthermore, you can include specific parameters in your trafficback. Some networks require additional information to be sent. Our system allows you to use the following parameters:

  • {QUERY} is a keyword. A title of the page is used in the popup script as a keyword by default.
  • S1S2S3 are additional parameters. How and when use it you can read below.

If you use third-party affiliate tracker then it makes sense to set up Postback. If assistance is required, reach out to our managers for setup. Most publishers do not need to fill it out. Detailed traffic statistics can be found in the Statistics section.

When all information is inputted, click Next.

Section Integration

How to Add Directlink on Your Website

The directlink must be added to a website. Head to the Connection section and copy the link of script.

Section Connection

There are various methods of utilizing the directlink, but in this article, we’ll focus on the creation of a banner with a download button.

Here is a code in a simplified way:

<a href="DIRECTLINK HERE" target="_blank"><img src="LINK TO IMAGE" alt="Download-Button" border="0"></a>

Instead of DIRECTLINK HERE insert the your directlink. Change LINK TO IMAGE to the link with your future button image.

In our example we are using the code:

<a href="{QUERY}" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Download-Button" border="0" width="250"></a> 

Note: If the picture is too big, specify the width parameter.

Adding User Parameters for Traffic Optimization

You must include a few user parameters for each link you place on your resources. This is how it might look:{QUERY}&s1={S1}&s2={S2}&s3={S3} 

The following are the types of user parameters available:

  • &q={QUERY} — change {QUERY} to a keyword or a phrase that will improve targeting.
  • &s1={S1} — instead of {S1} place a traffic source. For example, if a link is placed on a particular website, change {S1} to its domain name. If you buy traffic in another advertising network or use our directlink for trafficback — you can change {S1} to the name of an ad network or code definition. 
  • &s2={S2} — instead of {S2} you have to put traffic subsource. It might be useful in some cases. For example, when you buy traffic from another advertising network and send it to our directlink. Also, you have a few different campaigns from this advertising network. In this situation directlink and user parameters for two campaigns would look like this:{QUERY}&s1=ad_network_1&s2=campaign_1{QUERY}&s1=ad_network_1&s2=campaign_2 
  • &s3={S3} — instead of {S3} you can write click_id when you are going to use postback. If you buy traffic from another ad network then you can use generated click_id from this network. In this case change click_id to a macro of another ad network. For each ad network, click_id macro will be unique. If you place a link on your website then you need to generate click_id by yourself.

Note: user parameter &q={QUERY} is obligatory because it can improve your website’s conversion rate. Usually, publishers change {QUERY} to the page title. Depends on a website it can be placed whether manually for each link or automatic.

This guide will focus on automatic keyword substitution using the WordPress CMS as an example. If you utilize a different CMS, you will need to find the method of linking keyword substitution on your own.

If for any reason you can’t replace a value in a user parameter &q dynamically then you need to write a keyword that will give an overview of traffic. For example, on the download website, you might use this option: &q=download.

User parameters S1S2, and S3 are optional. But the more accurate they are, the higher conversions you get.

For example, you can place the same link on the two different websites. If you change S1 to (& and &, then we will understand which website has better conversion and how to optimize each of them. Without this information, we can’t optimize your sites.

Now, let’s consider several methods of script integration.

Adding Script to HTML Code

For demonstration purposes, we’ll use a text editor and the HTML template on W3Schools.

Visit this page. Locate the Download button and insert the relevant code mentioned above in that area. Don’t forget to change user parameter {QUERY} to a keyword. Press the Run button.

Adding script to HTML code

After that, you will see the Download button. Press it. An ad will be open in a new tab.

Note: It is better to place Download buttons above the main content or below the main content.

If the platform has just been created, the script may not be functional on the page. It takes some time to activate a new platform. Please wait for 10-15 minutes before checking it again.

Adding script to HTML code: checking results

Adding Script via CMS Blogger

To add the button Download in CMS Blogger, we’ll utilize the available gadgets. These make it simple to place the selected button not only on all pages, but also on specific posts.

Access your Blogger account and navigate to the Layout section.

Adding script via CMS Blogger

Click Add a Gadget in a new window.

CMS Blogger: Add a Gadget

Select HTML/JavaScript gadget.

CMS Blogger: HTML/JavaScript

In the field Content add the code and click Save.

CMS Blogger: Configure HTML/JavaScript

Move the gadget to the Main column on the left, where you want the button to be placed. In this example, we positioned it above the primary content.

CMS Blogger: Configure HTML/JavaScript

Then, click Save arrangement to activate the script and the Download button will appear on the webpage.

CMS Blogger: Checking results

Adding Script via CMS WordPress

To insert a script link in WordPress CMS, you can either modify your site’s theme or use a plugin. The quickest and simplest option is to use a plugin.

Go to the admin panel of your site on WordPress. Open the Plugins tab and click Add New.

WordPress website: Add new plugin

Search for Ad Inserter — Ad Manager & AdSense Ads plugin and click Install now.

WordPress website: Install plugin

Activate it.

WordPress website: plugin activation

After that, go to Settings — Ad Inserter.

WordPress website: Adding a script

Insert the link of the script in the field Block 1. In this example, we will add the button Download right after the title of the main content. Tick the box Posts and choose Before content from the list. Click Save Settings.

The Download button will appear on the page and will be placed below the title.

WordPress website: Adding a script

Keyword Substitution

As previously stated, the &q user parameter is obligatory. Utilizing keyword substitution can boost conversion and revenue. In this instance, we will substitute {QUERY} with a page title, as it generally offers the most comprehensive and accurate portrayal of the page’s content.

By setting up keyword substitution, automatic substitution of the user parameter q can be achieved. In this case, we utilize the title as it provides a comprehensive description of the page’s content.

Note: We can recommend an easier solution for you. Install our plugin WordPress Plugin for Download sites.

To substitute the page title in the user parameter q, you need to set up a shortcode. Ensure you use a child theme on your website. If you don’t have a child theme, then use a plugin Child Theme Configurator to create it.

In this example, since we don’t have a child theme, we will create one. Go to the Tools section and select Child Themes.

WordPress website: Child Theme

Tick the box Create a new Child Theme and choose the theme you use. Click Analyze.

WordPress website: Analyzing Child Theme

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the button Create New Child Theme.

WordPress website: Create New Child Theme

After creating the child theme, go to the Appearance section and select Themes.

WordPress website: Child Theme Configurator

Ensure your new theme is set as active.

WordPress website: Theme activation

Note: Please be aware that changing a theme on WordPress website can lead to unintended consequences. While activating a child theme typically doesn’t cause issues, it’s important to be aware of potential outcomes.

Use a file manager to access the directory where WordPress is located, and locate the file for the child theme. Usually, the address is wp-content/themes/your-theme-child.

File manager: finding Child theme

Open the file functions.php and add the following code in the end of the file.

function post_title_shortcode(){ return get_the_title(); } add_shortcode('post_title','post_title_shortcode'); 
File manager: file functions.php

Save the file and make sure that the changes were implemented successfully. If you include the shortcode [post_title] in the post text, it will be visible in the preview.

WordPress website: post title

If everything is functioning correctly, you can then complement directlink. It should now appear as follows:[post_title] 

Return to the Settings section in WordPress and select Ad Inserter.

WordPress website: Settings — Ad Inserter

In the field Block 1 add the shortcode to directlink, which is used in the Download button. The result should be similar to this one:

<a href="[post_title]" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Download-Button" border="0"  width="250"></a> 

Click Save Settings.

WordPress website: checking results

Verify if the keyword is being inserted into the link correctly. To do this, open any post on your site, right-click on the Download button, and select View Code. If successful, you should see a link with the title “Hello World” in the sidebar:
WordPress website: checking results

Final Notes

  • It is crucial to complete all sections, including Settings of ad placement, Ad inventory, Offer list, and Integration.
  • When setting up the directlink, pay close attention to Trafficback.
  • Insert the script link you received onto your website.
  • Do not overlook the &q parameter during directlink integration, as it can boost revenue.
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